Off-site Consultations

Educare Central Maine staff can work with you in your context through our Consulting Program. Support can take many forms, including planning and facilitating in-services and other professional development initiatives, developing and facilitating workshops, sharing presentations, reflecting on classroom observations, analyzing the environment, studying documentation, and setting goals.

Educare Central Maine School consultants work closely with administrators to develop an agenda that is tailored to the specific questions and identified areas of growth in each school. Suggested topics include:

  • Nature Based Education
  • Conscious Discipline
  • Reflective Practice/Supervision
  • What does a high quality curriculum look like?
  • Lesson planning with individualization and linked to assessment
  • Coaching
  • CLASS assessors
  • Family Engagement/Parent Ambassador
  • Climate/Culture
  • Workforce Development (Apprenticeship, Higher Ed/Practicums, Badging)

Sample Consultation Agendas

Sample Full-day Consultation on Conscious Discipline
9:00–9:15 Welcome
9:15–10:00 Presentation: Introduction to Conscious Discipline
10:00–10:15 Q & A
10:15–10:30 Break
10:30–11:45 Classrooms Observations
11:45–12:00 Q & A
12:00–1:15 Break for Lunch
1:15–2:20 Small Group Experiences
2:15–2:30 Break
2:30–3:00 Reflections

Sample Full-day Consultation on Nature Based Play
9:00–9:15 Welcome
9:15–10:00 Presentation: The Integral Role Nature Based Education Plays in Curriculum Planning
10:00–10:15 Q & A
10:15–10:30 Break
10:30–11:45 Classrooms Observations
11:45–12:00 Q & A
12:00–1:15 Break for Lunch
1:15–2:20 Small Group Experiences
2:15–2:30 Break
2:30–3:00 Reflections

Would you like to learn more?

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